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Confident Kids Camp Outcomes

12 families completed satisfaction surveys about their experience of Confident Kids Camp (CKC) Toronto in 2022.
100% said that they were 'very satisfied' or 'satisfied' with camp overall.
91.7% said that they were 'very satisfied' or 'satisfied' with the parent training that they had received.
100% said that they would recommend Confident Kids Camp to someone else.
At 3 month follow-up
70% of parents reported that their children had maintained the progress they made at camp or were doing even better than they had been doing at the end of camp.
30% said their child was doing better than they were before they came to camp but not as well as they were at the end of camp.
81.8% of parents reported their child speaking better in school
45.4% reported an improvement in speaking with close friends and family
90.9% reported an improvement in speaking in community settings
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